The Crayons

The Crayons
Red Black and Yellow

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


1. An old boyfriend who makes you smile with melancholy when you remember him and an old boyfriend who makes you proud about how far you've come.
 2. A piece of furniture that has never been previously owned by anyone in your family that you bought with your own money and makes you happy.
3. An outfit that makes you feel invincible if your future employer or man of your dreams calls to meet you in an hour.
4. A set of lingerie that you would not be ashamed to be seen in public wearing.
5. Atleast one scar on your heart where HE hurt you.
6. A past juicy enough that you’re looking forward to retelling it in your old age.
7. The realization that you are actually going to have an old age -- and some money set aside to help fund it.
8. An email address, a voice mailbox, and a bank account -- all of which nobody has access to but you.
9. A dream so big it scares you.
10. Atleast One friend who always makes you laugh and one who lets you cry.
11. A set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a pair of totally unpractical shoes.
12. Something ridiculously expensive that you bought for yourself, just because you deserve it.
13. The belief that you are worthy of treating yourself with respect.
14. A skin-care regimen, an exercise routine, a push-up bra and a great pair of spankx
15. Atleast One recipe you cook amazing to impress the fussiest of guests
16. A place to go just to think where you can be completely alone with your thoughts.
17. Atleast one child who looks to you for guidance and advice...even if he or she isn't your own.
18. The knowledge on how to break-up with a man or confront a friend without losing your temper or your self respect.
19. Had atleast one lover who knew exactly how to touch you to make your toes curl, and how to express that desire to your next lovers.
20. Been kissed often by a man who knows how

21. The medical history that runs in your family so you can take care of YOU!
22. The ability to live on your own and not be dependant on anyone.
23. An outfit that feels like you are in a cocoon and safe from the world...its usually fleece or flannel
24. Let go of the hurts from your childhood and embraced the fact that your parents did the best they could with the skills they had
25. One secret that makes you smile.
26. A memory that makes you cringe....because those memories were lessons that brought you to here
27. A journal full of your deepest thoughts
28. A person you can call at 4 in the morning because you're in a bind
29. The knowledge of what you are willing to accept and what you are not in a relationship
30. Something you do thats just for you and no one else.
31. A piece of jewellery that has sentimental meaning
32. An older woman in your life who embodies the traits you wanna develop in your old age.
33. A spirituality that feeds your spirit
34. A soundtrack to your life that when you hear it on the radio you sing at the top of you lungs
35. Someone or something you LOVE with your whole heart
36. A to do list that never gets completely checked off 
37. Enough money to run away in case you have to
38. A purpose to rise out of bed every morning
39. The ability to look in a mirror and love the ripples and bumps and wrinkles that stare back at you....because you earned them all over time.
40. The understanding that 40 is not over the hill...its not even close to the hill!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing list! I'm missing a number of these items so I need to get cracking. I can use it as a guide to gauge how I'm doing moving forward... :) I agree that all these items, collectively, would be amazing to have. So who cares if I'm over 40... 50 is the new 40, and I'm not 50 yet, so I'm still on track... lol.
